
    Born on May 25, 1980 in Taichung, Taiwan, Dr. Tiffany Huang grew up in a very beautiful, happy, and loving family. As the youngest of three, the entire family loved her unconditionally as their most precious baby.

     When she was in the fifth grade, Tiffany along with her parents, grandparents, and two sisters immigrated to Vancouver, Canada. As a child, Tiffany had always been determined in education and character. Setting high standards for herself, she had always placed top of the class in every subject. Aside from being the best student any teacher could ever ask for, she was also extremely gifted in public speaking, dancing, singing, music, skiing, ice-skating, and languages.

     While attending Churchill High School, she participated in the highly regarded IB program, and was also involved in several extracurricular activities. In addition to volunteering at hospitals and playing flute in the school band, Tiffany performed at the annual talent show where she always shined brightly as the audience favorite. To further enrich her life, Tiffany competed in the first Vancouver Chinese singing contest. Her performance was so electrifying that a judge from Sony Music pursued to sign her to a recording contract. Her incredible talent in singing was truly recognized by everyone. Good hearted, vibrant, and elegant, Tiffany treated people with utmost sincerity that earned her many dear, close friends. 

     Always an independent spirit, she left Vancouver for UCLA to major in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics when she was 18 years old. And during that time, she met her true love Jimmy Hu. While at the university, she continued to volunteer at hospitals and was heavily involved in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics research. With her high grades and prestigious achievements at UCLA, Tiffany was accepted to Columbia University School of Dentistry and Oral Surgery.

     At Columbia University, she received Dean’s scholar award and placed in the top 10% of her graduating class.  After four years of intense dental studies in New York, she successfully passed both North East Regional Board and Western Regional Examining Board and received her license, officially earning her the well-deserved title of Dr. Tiffany Huang. Always up for a new challenge, she continued her training in a one-year residency at New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn.

     Even before her decision to study dentistry at Columbia, her romantic relationship with Jimmy had been strong. After careful consideration and with Jimmy’s loving support, Tiffany enrolled at Columbia University to complete her life long dream of becoming a dentist. While apart for five years, the long distance between East and West coast could not stop the destined love between them. Together, Jimmy and Tiffany had traveled everywhere, enjoyed fine cuisines, and experienced so many new things. After their long, loving romance of 8 years, the two tied the knot on January 5, 2008 in Taiwan and started their life together in Tustin, California. There, she began her career as a highly respectable dentist. In her work, she always carried a strong sense of responsibility, always using her fullest heart and craft to help patients.

     To her friends, Tiffany is their most sincere and faithful friend. To her sisters, she is their precious jewel. To her parents, she is their loveliest and proudest daughter.  And to her husband Jimmy, she is his most beloved and perfect wife. On January 18, 2009, she completed her 28 years of life in this world and is starting new in a happier and peaceful place.  Tiffany lived a rich and content life. Her sincerity, kindness, and beauty of character will be deeply engraved in the hearts of all those she loved and in the hearts of all those who loved her. Forever and ever…

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黃筱婷(Dr. Tiffany Huang)生於西元1980525日,台灣台中市。她成長在一個幸福、美滿、快樂的家庭,在家排行老么,是全家人心中最疼愛的寶貝。

國小五年級和爺爺、奶奶、爸爸、媽媽及兩位姊姊移民到加拿大溫哥華。Tiffany自小品學兼優,自我要求極高,在校成績永遠是名列前茅,除了是師長心目中不可多得的好學生之外,她在演講、舞蹈、歌唱、音樂、滑雪、溜冰、語言等方面都有極為優異的表現。TiffanyChurchill High School就讀時參加IB Program,也積極參與許多活動; 定期在醫院擔任義工、學校樂隊主吹長笛、並在一年一度的talent show歌唱表演中獲得極大的迴響。為了豐富生活,Tiffany參加第一屆溫哥華亞洲盃歌唱大賽,精湛的演出,獲的Sony唱片公司高層的賞識,極力延攬出唱片。她的好歌喉是大家所公認的。熱情洋溢、活潑開朗、待人真誠、並擁有極佳人緣的她,讓她贏得許多知心的友誼。

獨立自主的她,18歲那年即前往美國UCLA生物系就讀,也在這時認識了她此生的摯愛Jimmy Hu。在讀大學的時期, 他定期在醫院做義工, 也熱中於Microbiology Molecular Genetics 的研究。 隨後她以極為優異的成績,申請進入Columbia University繼續攻讀牙醫學系。

在紐約四年辛苦的牙醫系生活後,他順利考取美國東北部與西部牙醫師執照,成為Dr. Tiffany Huang,並於BrooklynNew York Methodist Hospital當一年的住院醫師。在決定就讀Columbia University前,雖然他們兩人的戀情已經成熟,為了決定是否前往東岸就讀,也曾深思熟慮過,但在Jimmy的同意下,Tiffany進入Columbia University完成她當牙醫師的理想。在紐約求學、就業的五年當中,東、西兩岸的遠距離並未阻礙他們倆的情感。 他們一起到過很多不同的地方, 一同嚐試了很多不同的餐廳與美食, 也一同體驗了很多新的東西。 Tiffany Jimmy在愛情長跑8年後,於200815日在台灣完成終身大事,隨後定居於Tustin, CA,並在當地執業成為一位優秀的牙醫師。 她總是非常有責任感,總是盡心盡力的幫助病人。

Tiffany 是朋友眼中最真摯的夥伴; 是兩位姊姊心中最寶貝的妹妹; 是先生Jimmy心中最完美及呵護倍至的妻子; 更是爸爸、媽媽心中最疼愛、最引以為傲的女兒。Tiffany2009118日於LA走完她28年的人生歲月,進入另一個無憂、快樂的國度。 Tiffany 的一生精彩、燦爛,她的真、善與美將深深烙印在所有她愛與愛她的人的心中。直到永遠、永遠

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